Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The 10 most visited posts on hOwGee
Here we are! The 100th post on hOwGee. After 6 months! Then we come back on the 10 most visited articles.
Hey, everyone can make his own best-of :)
Number 10 : a wall socket of with USB and a connector for a screen. Great for industry 'cause they do not need a desktop anymore...
Number 9 : an ecologic post on economic decreasing. Infinite economic growth is simply not acceptable by the ecosystem of the Earth, which is limited.
Number 8 : an algorithm which is capable to enhance the appearance of a human face in a photograph within a few minutes.
Number 7 : What looked like Google at the beginning ? in 1998. Screenshots...
Number 6 : A french company works since 2 years on a silicium dragonfly, totally nanomechanics. It's called a nanodrone.
Number 5 : This page lists up the cars whose CO2 emission does not exceed the 120 g/km per kilometer. Some of them can be the subject of a tax cut in Belgium.
Number 4 : A comparison file between Skype, Yahoo Messenger and VoIPbuster. It's less interesting now that VoIP products exists.
Number 3 : two DVD drives in the next Eclipse AVN6600. The main purpose, and every user of embedded navigation system understood it since the title, is to listen music or watch a movie being guided on the road.
Number 2 : A toll-free number is mentioned in the Honda's manual, a service for safety and prevention on the public highway. When calling the number, you speak to Virginia, a sexy voice who invites you, on an old funky beat, to join her tonight.
Number 1 : The big trick is to have a ring tone that you can hear, because you're young but your teacher can't, because he's old.
Thank you very much for visiting hOwGee !
Hey, everyone can make his own best-of :)
Number 10 : a wall socket of with USB and a connector for a screen. Great for industry 'cause they do not need a desktop anymore...
Number 9 : an ecologic post on economic decreasing. Infinite economic growth is simply not acceptable by the ecosystem of the Earth, which is limited.
Number 8 : an algorithm which is capable to enhance the appearance of a human face in a photograph within a few minutes.
Number 7 : What looked like Google at the beginning ? in 1998. Screenshots...
Number 6 : A french company works since 2 years on a silicium dragonfly, totally nanomechanics. It's called a nanodrone.
Number 5 : This page lists up the cars whose CO2 emission does not exceed the 120 g/km per kilometer. Some of them can be the subject of a tax cut in Belgium.
Number 4 : A comparison file between Skype, Yahoo Messenger and VoIPbuster. It's less interesting now that VoIP products exists.
Number 3 : two DVD drives in the next Eclipse AVN6600. The main purpose, and every user of embedded navigation system understood it since the title, is to listen music or watch a movie being guided on the road.
Number 2 : A toll-free number is mentioned in the Honda's manual, a service for safety and prevention on the public highway. When calling the number, you speak to Virginia, a sexy voice who invites you, on an old funky beat, to join her tonight.
Number 1 : The big trick is to have a ring tone that you can hear, because you're young but your teacher can't, because he's old.
Thank you very much for visiting hOwGee !
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