Saturday, August 05, 2006


Honda and the hot manual


Since one year, Honda prints an instruction manual intended for the American drivers of cars Honda, Acura and some motorcycles. And during one year, Honda had time to print some: 1.2 million to be accurate.

And yet, this Monday only we learn this funny story: a toll-free number is mentioned in the small book, a service for safety and prevention on the public highway. This number is 1-888-327-4236. The problem is that the 888 was misprinted and transformed itself into 800.

And when calling 1-800-327-4236, you speak to Virginia, a sexy voice who invites you, on an old funky beat, to join her tonight. And then, it's obviously a surtaxed number, and no one speaks there about road safety ;)

Komo TV News, Monday.
Soon the Paris Motor Show, maybe we'll meet Virginia !


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