Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Comparison VoIP calling rates: 12 products


Regularly, we propose a comparison of the calling rates to give a call from your computer to a mobile or landline everywhere in the world.
Well, this is over.

Since the website VoIP products exists, that does not worth anything.
Indeed, the update is weekly and is about 12 products: Skype, Gizmo, Yahoo Messenger, SIP discount, VoIP Buster, VoIP Stunt,, poivY, voipcheap, voip discount, WebCall direct, and Free Call.
For about 50 destinations (against the 200 we proposed before - allright here is the previous version).

Some notes:
  • unfortunately, only tariff comparison, no test on quality.
  • This is for United States. A page for Europe exists. On the latter, you have an explanation for each product, even Google Talk that can be used only to talk from PC to PC (or you can use gateway-companies but it is not taken in account here).
  • 7 of those products are sub-products of !
  • As always, be attentive to the contract. Some items are rather demanding and can lead to the cancellation of an unused credit.
  • As opposed to what is written, the rates of Windows Live Messenger is different acoording to the place you give the call! And it's almost always most expensive.
  • Calling between 2 computers is always free.
  • The prices are in USD cents per minute including VAT, except those of which are in English pence per minute. Here is an excellent currency converter website.


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