Wednesday, October 04, 2006


The google translation machine


Peter Norvig, the director of research at Google, presented last week the company's newest innovations and the future of data analysis.

He first spoke about the Statistical Machine Translation, a translation software currently under development. The goal of this program is to improve the translation's accuracy (we guessed that), and to make it more human. Indeed, the current Google Translate is not perfect at all.

A translation software is really a good example of how the ability to utilize large amounts of data is helping to expand the resources available to everyone.
To summarize, it means that with all the google's services...
... google can create an algorithm that learns grammar and syntax, and can use it for others services, as the translation.

Norvig also spoke about others projects on the same principle, as the improvment of google sets, that provides 5 keywords related to one keyword, or a new application that can show the trend graphs that track the volume of different searches at different times of the year (a little bit like google trends, finally...)

Source: The Daily Californian, last week.

For those who do not know:

- google books, google scholar ... at least two services that are 99,9% non-spam certified, i.e. without data that fools the reader. A perfect content for this subject.
- two new options recently appear in google translate: Arabic-English and English-Arabic. They use the prototype of this Statistical Machine Translation. Here are test results.


I found an awesome translation tool – LEC’s translation software. Please see the example below.

Example in Spanish:

Luego de la primera comunión del niño, el padrino brindará con los padres.

Google: After the child's first communion, the godfather provide with their parents.

LEC: After the boy's first communion, the godfather will toast with the parents.

I also tested with a few other examples in other languages and LEC’s translation is better than Google’s.

You can get a trial at

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