Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Unusual Behaviour


Comportement InhabituelResearchers of the NICTA, the National ICT Australia, are developing sophisticated surveillance applications such as an algorithm that monitors inappropriate behavior in public places.

The team that works on this stuff makes me scary, maybe because of the name (SAFE, Smart Applications For Emergencies) or maybe just because of the idea.

The team already proposed a specification for a warning language that can discern and communicate threat levels. The goal of the project is to provide maximum information to decision makers.

"Identifying a particular person is one thing but we are looking at unusual behavior in an open environment," said Chris Scott, the scary boss.

The project uses data from the 6,000 surveillance cameras on the network of Queensland Transport and Queensland Rail, expecting to move away from the dependence on humans looking at monitors.

Source: ComputerWorld, this friday.


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