Saturday, February 10, 2007


Honesty on online dating sites


An american behavorial study concludes that 52.6% of men lied about their height, compared with 39% of women. But 64.1% of women did not tell the truth about their weight, compared with 60.5% of men. Also, 24.3 percent of men lied about their age, while 13.1 percent of women did.

According to an assistant who worked on the subject, participants try to find the good balance between 1) appearing as attractive as possible 2) being perceived as honest during the deception first meeting.

Source: Cornell University, this monday.


That's true. People always lie about themselves online. Recently I started a topic and wanted to see how many people found their matches online. I got various responses. Most of them are still curious and keeps looking.

Yes, it's true. But I probably learn a lot of this defense mechanism from their social behaviors especially if they are frustrated to search acquaintance for relationship or for friendly dating. Sometimes we can understand them but sometimes we can just used to it.

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