Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Optic communications at 150 Gb per second


Koen Clays is a professor at the Chemistry department of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. But he went to China, Beijing, to discover an organic substance which makes it possible to reach a rate of 150 Gb/sec!

To remind you, a current high-rate connection goes around 0,005 Gb per second. You can't imagine that. 150 Gb/sec.

150 Go/sec, this is the possibility to totally fill your hard disk in one second. A report should be published in January in the scientific Optic Letters (“The journal where readers look for the latest in optics discoveries" !). Koen discovered an organic molecule whose reaction time to the light is up to 50% faster than the fastest material used today. And the more a substance reacts to the light, the more the transfer is fast. Bye-bye previous records

On another hand, nobody can make routers that can manage such an high-speed...

Source: DataNews, today.


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