Sunday, January 21, 2007


Awakenings in RSS


The eRiceCooker of MIT MediaThe eRiceCooker is connected to the Internet. It continuously reads the news on the Web and each time it sees a post about genetically modified rice (GMO), a quarter cup of rice is dispensed into the cooker. When it's full, water is automatically added and it starts cooking. At the end, an e-mail is sent to a mailing-list, inviting people to come and eat some rice! :)

To subscribe to this list, go to the page eRiceCooker that belongs to the MIT Media Lab. This idea belongs to Annina Rüst. The goal is to create awareness to issues surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms.
Here is a little video of 2 minutes length: the eRiceCooker in action.

Same idea but surely less funny, the artist Caleb Larsen created a candy dispenser. Small yellow candies. It also reads the news on Internet and when people has been reported killed, an algorithm extracts the exact number and a Lego NTX machanism dispenses candies on the ground. Accumulation...

Source: Information Aesthetics, 3 days ago.
For those who do not know: A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using techniques in genetics generally known as recombinant DNA technology. Recombinant DNA technology is the ability to combine DNA molecules from different sources into one molecule in a test tube. Thus, the expression of certain traits, the phenotype of the organism, or the proteins it produces, can be altered through the modification of its genes.


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