Sunday, October 15, 2006


Data Teleportation


Data Teleportation - (photo: quantum leap)A team of scientists of the University of Copenhagen succeeded teleporting information significantly further than ever before. They were able to teleport light and matter together !

Eugène Polzik, the big chief, the gourou, explains "It's one step further because it involves 2 different objects: one is the carrier of information and the other one is the storage medium."

What made this exploit possible was the use of quantum entanglement, a way to interlock two particles without physical contact. The method allows teleportation over longer distances because it involves light as the carrier of entanglement.

All right.
I don't understand everything neither but let's remember that this attempt worked over a distance of 50 centimeter, which is huge compared to previous attempts where the distance was fraction of a millimeter. And according to the researchers, it's just the beginning.
Of course, we talk here about teleportation of quantum information from one site to another, not about teleportation of dogs, flies or Jeff Goldblum, but we go further and further.

According to Polzik, quantum information is different than traditional information in the sense that it cannot be measured. It has much high information capacity and cannot be eavesdropped on. The transmission of quantum information can be made unconditionally secure. In conclusion, it's super safe and super fast.

Source:, ten days ago.

Pour ceux qui ne savent pas:
Définition of wikipedia : Teleportation is the process of moving objects from one place to another more or less instantaneously, without passing through the intervening space.


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