Friday, June 02, 2006


pic a Navman


The company Navman launches 3 new portable navigation systems : iCN530, iCN720 and iCN750.

Let's go to the main point : 720 and 750 do have a digital camera 1.3 Mega-Pixels and the function NavPix!

What is it for ?
hum .. here you need imagination and a sense of "I like when you answer needs that I don't have yet".
With NavPix, once you are in a strategic place (touristic view, by friends or in front of a restaurant) .. clac, you take a picture. And to this picture, Navman attachs the GPS coordinates from the place you shot.
So the next time you want to go there, you just browse the pictures and you click where you wanna go. Why not. Moreover, it will be possible to download "places" from the Internet.

Joëlle notices this : if we are, for example, on the Westminster Bridge in Lodon, and we take a picture of BigBen ... Navman guides us to the bridge .. never to BigBen.
Joelle has always been the skeptic of the group.

Others functionalities, that we could compare with the new Tomtom : a GPS receiver SiRFStar III, a 4 inches screen, an hard drive of 4 Go for 750 and a flash memory card for 720, an improved firmware, a list of fix speed controls, a steering-wheel control and an optional TMC receiver (traffic infos). Thanks to this receiver, you can avoid every traffic problem broadcasted in France, Germany, England (taxed infos) or in others countries, like Belgium, where the traffic info is free but really stinks (bravo Caroline Pourtois).

The iCN750 is sold with the maps of 21 European countries pre-installed on your hard drive. Available from now, they are sold around 400 pounds (iCN720) and 600 pounds (iCN750). The pack Traffic Infos is around 100 pounds.

on, we find a comparative test of 26 Personal Navigation Devices, but it is in french.

for those who do not know : At the other side of the range, Navman also proposes the iCN330 at the price of 170 pounds. Very basic, very cheap.


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