Friday, July 07, 2006


My poor Search Engine Marketing...


"I refuse to speak of cheating. It's important to know that, on one hand, the webmasters are facing more and more difficult requirements to score on Google. And on the other hand, Google give them less and less liberty"

claims Gérald Claessens, the director of PublicityWeb. This company is supposed to be the Belgian specialist of the "search engine marketing."

Companies like BCC, Heytens or Nextiraone required their services to improve their position on the search engines. An unenthusiastic result when we know that Google removed these Belgian websites from their index, after an attempt of dupery. Duping a search engine, for example, is to show him a content that the human user won't see.

And as a human user, that's what I want, finally: the result that matches the more with my request. On the other hand, as a specialist marketing, I wouldn't open my mouth.

During that time, PublicityWeb is in touch with Google US in order to hope, in the next days, a re-validation of the (now corrected) websites. And if some of them seem to re-appear, other ones don't but the agency's website itself, not at all.

Source and more objective details: DataNews, last week.

For those who do not know:
- Google regularly updates
a list of instructions that webmasters are supposed to respect.
- Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).


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